eSign The Online Electronic Signature Service

eSign The Online Electronic Signature Service


eSign The Online Electronic Signature Service | How to eSign an application ??

eSign -To obtain a Digital Signature Certificate i.e. DSC. from a Certifying Authority (CA) licensed by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) under the Information Technology (IT) Act, 2000 for creating electronic signatures the signer is requiring. The identity and address of the signer must be verified before a CA issues a DSC. For creating the electronic signature the private key using is storing in hardware cryptographic token which is of one time use. Paper document based identity & address verification and issuance of hardware cryptographic tokens does not scale to a billion people in this current scheme of in-person physical presence. Mass adoption of digital signature is necessary for offering fully paperless citizen services. To digitally sign electronic documents a simple to use online service is required to allow everyone to have the ability.


Via an WEB API to facilitate an eSign user to digitally sign a document electronic signature is an online electronic signature service which can be integrated with service delivery applications. Through e-KYC service using authentication of the eSigns user, online electronic signature service is facilitating
Salient Features of eSign:-
Save cost and time
e-KYC based authentication
Improve user convenience
Mandatory e-KYC id
Easily apply Digital Signature
Biometric or OTP based authentication
Verifiable Signatures and Signatory
Flexible and fast integration with application
Legally recognized
Suitable for individual business and Government
Managed by Licensed CAs
API subscription Model
Privacy concerns addressed
Assured Integrity with complete audit trail
Simple Signature verification
Immediate destruction of keys after usage
Short validity certificates
No concerns regarding key storage and key protection

To digitally sign information anytime , anywhere Easy and secure way: –

To authenticate signers application service providers use e-KYC service and facilitate digital signing of documents. The electronic signatures is an online service which we can use without using physical cryptographic token which is been useing for electronic signatures.

Facilitates legally valid signatures : –

in accordance with provisions of Information Technology Act eSigns process includes Digital Signature Certificate issuance request, signer consent, Digital Signature creation & affixing as well as Digital Signature Certificate acceptance Comprehensive digital audit trail, in-built to confirm the validity of transactions , is also preserved.

Flexible and easy to implement : –

This records the e-KYC ID used to verify the identity of the signer and with e-KYC service eSign provides configurable authentication options in line. The eKYC authentication options include biometric / OTP of the e-KYC service provider. To legally valid Digital Signature service e-Sign enables eSign user’s easy access.

Privacy Respecting :-

By eSign , the privacy of the signer is been always ensured by requiring only the thumbprint of the document be submitted for signature function Instead of the whole document.

Secure online service :- The eSign service is governed by e-authentication guidelines and using e-KYC services authentication of the signer is carried out. Of the e-Sign provider the signature on the document is carried out on a backend server. By trusted third party service providers eSign services are facilitated and currently Certifying Authorities (CA) licensed under the IT Act. eSign user’s private keys are being getting created on Hardware Security Module & after one time use destroyed immediately to enhance security and prevent misuse.

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